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Twin Flame Energy Reading: 7/22/24

Writer's picture: Twin Flames RealityTwin Flames Reality

Hello and happy new week for all on the Twin Flame journey!

This was a very energetic weekend for all this past weekend, as we had the 2nd Capricorn Full Moon in a row. Specifically, this was the Buck Moon which is where the spiritual healing and lessons that you have been learning over the past year come to a head. If the Full Moon in June was the rain before the storm, then this Full Moon is basically the eye of the storm. It is where the healing for a specific lesson or two (whatever that may have been over the last year) is being confronted and at its peak. The metaphorical Buck's antlers are at its peak and it must reach this point before it can be shed, aka released. Continue to stand strong in this energy as it will pass very soon and then that cycle can fully close.

I know it can be a bumpy road, but at least we all have each other here at Twin Flames Reality, yeah? And with that we can get into the reading!

This week's Twin Flame energy reading was channeled using the Threads of Fate Oracle - Shadow Edition (they are on a temporary hiatus, but link will take you to the site just in case you love this deck as much as I do and want to stalk them until they reopen!).

The Divine Feminine's message this week is one of claiming their inner divinity. They are being presented with an opportunity to seek further their inner truth. It is a spiritual truth that every single person has a Twin Flame. It is a spiritual truth that every single person has a purpose that is aligned with their Twin Flame. No, that does not mean careers and whatnot have to be identical, but their purpose at their core is meant to be shared with their Twin Flame. So the Divine Feminine is seeking this truth about themselves in this week. They are exploring the ways that they can expand their truth and harmonize the varying elements of their life to align with their purpose and their Twin Flame.

This can require quite a bit of strength, because sometimes what we want is not always what we need. Strength and discernment are very important for the Feminine as they navigate this as the voice of Ego may try to speak up and trick the Feminine into compromising or changing what truly feels in harmony with their soul. The Divine Feminine needs to tell the voice of Ego to shut the fuck up and to continue to seek out their spiritual growth. What is interesting with this energy is that what they are seeking cannot be found outside of them. There are certainly exterior elements that can help the Feminine connect the dots to what they are needing in their life, but we are each our own creator in a way. We are divine. We hold a universe within us and what the Feminine is seeking can be found within their own internal universe.

The Divine Masculine is being presented with an opportunity to expand their perspectives. This is feeling specifically referring to their Twin Flame Union and their spiritual growth. Many of the Masculine may not really have the terms that the Feminine may have regarding what they are trying to navigate, but they are being given a great chance to learn further and expand what they know regarding this connection and themselves. It is almost as if they have a door being opened before them by God himself, inviting them in to truly explore how Divine they are and their connection with their Twin Flame is. It is important to remember that while the Masculine is Divine and is part of a Divine Union, they are still human and how they handle or process this new perspective can vary. So patience and compassion for the Masculine is needed, both from others and from themselves.

With this invitation to embrace a higher perspective, it innately comes with an opportunity to learn how to dive deeper into love. Love for themselves and love for their Twin Flame. Both of these loves go hand in hand, so even if the Masculine is solely focused on learning how to love themselves more, that can only translate into how they will also love their Divine Counterpart. All of this can also feel challenging for the Masculine in this week, because this higher perspective and deepening love for their Twin Flame can also pose almost a struggle for where the Masculine is as an individual. Rest assured, even Twin Flames who are truly one at their core, are still individuals with separate interests. They are not losing themselves in another. It is simply reclaiming a piece of them that was always there. They can embrace being one.

The energy that is being shared between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine is that they are both aligning themselves with the pathway towards Ascension. This could be that they are aligning themselves with their Union by finally committing to it. This could be aligning themselves with their Twin Flame by opening the door to communication. This could also be deepening their spiritual journey by diving deeper into their inner work and healing. However, the Masculine and the Feminine may choose to align themselves with Ascension, they can trust that it is being mirrored by their Twin Flame.

There is also a huge part of both the Masculine and the Feminine that are recognizing how beautifully interwoven their Twin Flame connection is; how truly designed by God himself it is. It is if it is ✨ fate ✨ (which it is). As both the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine embrace their fated connection, whether independently or together, it is only deepening the love they have for each other and pulling them closer together. Breakthroughs are likely for many in the collective this week. As they do experience these breakthroughs, it opens the door for further introspection where they can both learn to love and embrace the paradox they hold within themselves. There is innate contradiction every person must navigate. Divine vs. Ego. Right vs. Wrong. Light vs. Dark. It is all a balancing act and this pull toward Ascension and Fate will have the Divine Counterparts exploring this contradiction they hold within.

The way the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine can best navigate this energy is to release and trust, honor their truth, and then reclaim their power. It is true that we co-create our realities and manifest our Union alongside God; however, there is still a spiritual team working the cogs behind the scenes and it is important to trust in them. Neither the Masculine nor the Feminine need to force pieces to fit together before they are ready. They can tend to their own corner of this puzzle and trust that the complete image is coming together. By releasing this need to control every component of their Union, they are aligning themselves with it even further because they are connected to God.

With that being said, honoring their truth is one of the best ways for them to navigate the energy. This is because there is no need to compromise or minimize what the truth is; which is that they both have a Twin Flame and that they do not need to settle for anything less or doubt themselves or hide this part of their journey away from the world to see. They can be confident in aligning with the choice to choose Union. It is a more peaceful and more harmonious choice. By doing this, the Masculine and the Feminine reclaim their power and are taking the wheel to continue trucking along on the journey of Union. They do not need to control the route, but they can take control of what part they play in achieving their Harmonious Union.

Stay Blessed ✌️

~Written by Tay Springer

Thank you for reading this week's Divine Collective Energy reading!

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