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Twin Flame Energy Reading: 7/15/24

Hello and happy new week!

It is wild that we are already halfway through July! How quickly this year is passing us by. It had me reflecting on how there were some nights in this first half of the year that I just genuinely did not know how I was going to get through. The emotions, the situation, the separation... it all felt so heavy and unbearable.

Yet here I stand.

Not only do I stand here (well... sit), but those really hard nights almost feel fuzzy to look back on, faded by time. Now only that, but I realized this morning as I'm writing this reading that they also are hard for me to recall in detail and how much time has really passed since they've occurred. This had me realizing that all of those really tough nights are 1) survivable (for all who feel like they just have no way out of the pain they are feeling... I promise it will pass) and 2) merely one blip in the entire experience of this journey. They serve as a lesson, as a reminder for healing, but then the night passes, you fall asleep, and you wake up feeling new. Even if you fell asleep in tears, you wake up with a new chance to experience something different or make something different for yourself. And that is quite magical, if I say so myself.

Ok, enough of my rambling. I just wanted to share some insights with you all and I hope it resonates or it helps with wherever you are in your Twin Flame and healing journey. We can get to the reading now!

This Twin Flame Energy Reading was channeled using The Journey Oracle deck by Allison Filice. I'm eager to hear how you all like this reading with this new oracle deck, so be sure to let us know!

The Divine Feminine collective is seeing a shift in their focus towards identifying the connections between themselves and the world around them, especially in regards to their Twin Flame journey. Twin Flames are one at the core and so with every core choice that the Divine Feminine makes, it is reflected by the Divine Masculine (and vice versa). So the Feminine in this week is able to identify those patterns and see how their choices are being mirrored back to them not only by their Twin Flame, but also the world around them. They are seeing a pattern in how their reality is manifested by these decisions, patterns, and beliefs they hold onto.

With that, the Feminine is able to step deeper into their emotions. And whether or not the emotions they are experiencing are positive or negative, the Feminine is understanding that these emotions are an invitation to express energy that is feeling trapped within them. When we push our emotions down far beneath the surface, they get trapped, so allowing themselves to experience whatever feelings are coming up is so important in enabling themselves to heal. Specifically, we are channeling feelings of frustration around the perceived harships in their Twin Flame journey. Any hardships or blockages in their Twin Flame journey serve a purpose. They invite us to transform and expand past them so we can receive more abundance. They serve as an invitation for more self-love. BUT that does not make the feelings of frustration, defeat, or abandonment any less valid. So experiencing those emotions, as shitty as they are, will allow the Feminine to release them, move through them, and then begin to heal them.

The Divine Masculine is either feeling very aligned and in tune with their Highest Self or they are being served with an invitation to align with their Highest Self. The Masculine may find themselves reaching out for guidance, even if they don't do it consciously. It is the act of seeking higher guidance for wherever they are in their own journey and then making the genuine intention of aligning with the guidance they receive. There is no better or worse for whether or not the Masculine is perfectly aligned with their Higher Self or still learning how to reach out for guidance, it only matters that the intention is set. Though as they align with their Highest Self, they become more aligned with their Twin Flame journey.

Many in the Masculine collective may feel as if they are in or have been going through a period of darkness, where it does not feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm hearing "stuck", almost as if they feeling trapped by a circumstance or a negative decision being made. This serves as a reminder that the sun is always guaranteed to shine and that breakthroughs do happen, even in the darkest of nights. It will be especially important in this week for the Masculine to find ways to take care of themselves while they endure a feeling of darkness, as those acts of self-love aid in honoring their needs. If there are feelings of guilt for prioritizing their needs or wants, then this is also a perfect week to practicie releasing that guilt. By acting on what is true for themselves, it creates inner harmony. It will aid in aligning with their Highest Self, their Twin Flame Union, and at the same time, it will honor what the Masculine wants/needs for themselves.

The Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine are both navigating the relationship they have with boundaries. Boundaries are so, so, SO important, as they hold the line of respect for others and for self. So this is how the Divine Partners are mirroring each other, as they both are focused on the boundaries that are needed in their life, whether that be with others, their Twin Flame, or boundaries they set for themselves. This allows them both to honor their needs and provide them with the space to do the inner work that is required of them. And we all know that the inner work is what leads to Union!

Both the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine are also encouraged to be open to the possibilities around them in terms of their Divine connection and their healing. To clarify, this is NOT an invitation to be open to soulmates or karmics. That would be counterproductive. But there is something to be said about being open to the potential of connection. It is never to late to end separation, there is an unlimited number of ways to heal through separation, and there are limitless ways honoring themselves. So allowing an innate curiosity to play out will serve as a guide for the Masculine and the Feminine in this new week. They can trust that their innate wisdom will advise them on what is serving them as they explore new possibilities.

The way to navigate all this energy in this new week starts with allowing change to occur. This is basically saying, "it is time to go with the flow". That doesn't mean throwing our hands up in the air and letting what will be. That doesn't mean we are throwing in the towel. It simply means allowing change to present itself to the Masculine and the Feminine and trusting that this is guiding them in the right path. Or if it feels as if it is a change that intuitively they know will not serve them, then trust that they can navigate around the block being presented.

It is also so crucial that neither party gives up on the journey. Giving up on your Twin Flame is truly just giving up on yourself, and this will never lead to happiness or peace. As stated above in the intro prior to this reading, even the darkest of nights will pass and become a faded memory, a lesson to be learned and then that night is lost to time. We persevere as it is, so there is nothing to lose by persevering with the intention of Harmonious Twin Flame Union. Settling for anything less is just sacrificing your own happiness, and the Masculine and Feminine need to remember that. The unknown can feel scary, but leaning into that will be important, as it only strengthens trust in the Divine, in Source, in their Twin Flame, and in themselves. Whether or not either partner can see the end goal, it does not mean it isn't on the horizon. The guidance is to keep going and even if it feels uncertain, trust that Union is guaranteed.

Stay Blessed ✌️

~Written by Tay Springer

Thank you for reading this week's Divine Collective Energy reading!

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