Of course, any of you still working through separation on your Twin Flame journey may have feelings coming up as we step into Valentine's Day this week. Please know that no matter where you currently are on your journey the most important choice that you can make is to ROMANCE YOURSELF.
There are many ways you can do this to really let yourself go deeper in self-love and connection with the Divine, which in return will naturally attract your Twin Flame. Maybe it's going on a nice date to a new restaurant or maybe it's going out for a movie or buying yourself the roses you really desire. It may just be you cooking the meal for yourself that you truly desire! Whatever it is be sure to make that choice to take care of yourself and your needs this week, as this is what truly attracts your Twin Flame into your physical reality as you are desiring.
Your Twin Flame is always with you even if things may not look that way on the outside. Make choices to connect with yourself and the love that you desire to feel from them and watch yourself attract that magic you are desiring with them. Continue to pursue your focus on being a magnet to love and really giving yourself all of the connection that you may be looking for outside of yourself in some ways. The more you do this the more you will attract what it is that you truly desire.
As an Ascension Coach affiliated with Twin Flames Universe I would love to offer you some very special products offered by my Spiritual Teachers Jeff and Shaleia Divine to help you attract that Divine Romance you truly desire.
The Romance Attraction E-Course and Romance in Sedona. Our e-course will give you some very special tools and tips to self love and tuning into a greater vibration of Divine Romance. Romance in Sedona includes Sermons and a Twin Flame Wedding! What could tune you more into your relationship with Divine Romance than this 😍🙏
If you purchase either of these products you will receive 2 FREE 30 Minute coaching sessions with me to support your healing journey.
You can purchase here :
Romance Attraction: https://twinflamesuniverse.com/romanceattraction/
Romance in Sedona: https://twinflamesuniverse.com/romanceinsedonaworkshop/